Mollly Williams

Mollly Williams

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Fibo search ajax setting

Pharmacy child theme will install a separate plugin that shows an FiboSearch – Ajax Search for WooCommercex on the top of shop and product category pages.

The plugin is installed and should show the search box on the pages.

If you get any issue with the plugin, simply de-activate and then activate it again.

The plugin can be further tweaked to show more fields and info in the Ajax search.

After you need some custom settings to show search box as a demo site :


Note: We recommend a fresh WordPress installation when using this product.  

  1. On your WordPress Dashboard go to Appearance >> Themes >> Add New >> Upload Theme >> Choose File.
  2. Browse the theme file  Elementor child on your computer and click Install Now.
  3. Click Activate.
  4. Your new child theme is ready for demo import now.

One click demo import

  1. After installing the Pharmacy Elementor child, successfully on your WordPress site, you get the Import Demo option in the WordPress dashboard. Click it to open the Easy Demo Import page.
  2. Here, you get all the options you want to import on the website.
  3. Once chosen the required demo files for the website, click Import Demo Content, and it will import selected demo files to their respective locations in a few minutes.
  4. After import, your website is ready to add your desired content.

This will start the import process. It may take a  few seconds to minutes depending upon your server configuration and resources.

If you getting any issues You can mail us

Side cart setting

Pharmacy will install a separate plugin that shows an Side Cart Woocommerce (Ajax)

You need to change some URL:

Or you can change styling as you want , Do you need help contact us

YITH Infinite Scrolling setting

Pharmacy child theme will install a separate plugin that shows a YITH Infinite Scrolling on the shop and product category pages.

The plugin is installed for the shop page to show products in infinite scrolling.

You need to do some custom settings in a plugin:

Yith infinite scrolling for WooCommerce shortcode
Navigation Selector:
Next Selector:
Item Selector:
Content Selector:

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